Database testing is one of the major testing which requires tester to expertise in checking tables, writing queries and procedures. Testing can be performed in web application or desktop and database can be used in the application like SQL or Oracle.
There are many projects like banking, finance, health insurance which requires extensive database testing. This app is specifically designed to guide a tester to achieve all these flawlessly.
This App consist of almost all of the database queries you have to perform while testing a DB.
Topics covered in the App Include Testing Process, different components, Testing Tutorial with Sample Test Cases, Insights, How to Test, Fundamental, Structural testing, column testing, Stored procedures, Trigger testing, server validations, Functional testing, Login and user security, Non-functional testing, Load & stress testing, Myths & Misconceptions related to Database Testing, Best Practices, Software Testing for the IoT…
It also Consists of Types, Processes, Techniques, Scenarios, Objects, Data Integrity, Data Consistency, Data Mapping, Performance, Tools, Backup, Recovery, Security, Challenges, Writing Database Tests, Introducing Database Regression Testing into Your Organization, Data Inspection, Factory Callbacks, Database Query Builder, Raw Methods…and much more related to Database Testing…
This App is constantly updated with the latest developments & trends relating to Databases…